We are a small and friendly run pre-school set in the village of Harpole, where we have been established for many years.
We provide care and education for young children between the ages of 2 years - school age.
We play together, we learn together and we praise each other.
Harpole Preschool is a positive environment where your child will learn and develop, gathering skills which will remain with them in the future.
We believe that by helping a child to learn positive behaviour towards all those around them, will go on to be a positive example, an effective learner and a good friend to others.
Ensuring your child is happy with us is vital. We work with you and your child to create an environment where they feel safe and valued.
Your child will learn to make positive and happy relationships with their peers, the staff, family and the wider community.
We also welcome you into the Harpole Preschool community with activities, support programmes and social activities.
We have fun!
It’s important to learn but we know from experience that children learn more effectively when they are happy.
Whether it’s indoors, outside or on one of our school trips we ensure that the children at Harpole Preschool are happy.
Our classrooms are changed each term to reflect the child's interests.
Children are learning all the time and during their snack and lunch times at Harpole Pre-school we encourage them to be independent and the staff demonstrate and encourage the behaviours we would like to see from them at meal times. The children wash their hands before snack and lunch to learn about the importance of good hygiene and they have snacks with their peers to develop their social skills.
Lunchtimes are with staff as well as their peers and the children are encouraged to practise their socialising and conversational skills while remaining focused on the important task of eating lunch. The staff help by demonstrating behaviour and eating with the children. They assist the children but encourage them to try first so that they can gain their independence in feeding themselves.
At pre-school we encourage a healthy lifestyle and as part of this we encourage healthy eating, both during snack time and during lunchtimes. We ensure we offer children a healthy snack during each session, with a variety of different food groups being catered for. With snack we offer a choice of milk or water.
Lunch times run between 12.00pm and 1.00pm.
We have policies and procedures in place to ensure your child’s health and safety at these times and if they have any allergies or dietary requirements this will be incorporated in our snack planning.
Lunch needs to be provided by parents in the form of a healthy packed lunch in a named lunch bag which is placed on our lunch trolley.
We ask that the children’s packed lunches do not include fizzy drinks or sweets.